Deciding whether to see a doctor in person or use online services can be difficult. A virtual doctor visit is often free with a qualifying health plan and can assist with non-emergency medical issues, but an in-person visit may be necessary for more serious health concerns. Online doctor's notes are also available for those who need to provide proof of a health issue to their school or workplace. With live video consultations, online medical diagnosis and treatment is reliable and can provide accurate results.
Acne | ADHD | Allergies |
Anal Itching | Anxiety | Asthma |
Bad Breath | Bronchitis | Bruising |
Chest infection | Chickenpox | Chlamydia |
Cold | Contraception | COPD |
Cough | Depression | Diarrhoea and constipation |
Digestive Problems | Dry Skin | Eating disorders |
Eczema | Elder care | Eye Twitching |
Fever and sore throat | Food Poisoning | Gastritis |
Gastroenteritis | Genital Herpes | Gout |
Hair Loss | Headaches and Migraines | Hearing Loss |
Herpes (Cold Sores) | Hives | Impetigo |
Indigestion | Insomnia | Itchy Scalp |
Kidney Stones | Lumps | Melanoma |
Mental Health | Migraine | Nausea and vomiting |
Panic attacks | Pleurisy | Pneumonia |
Psoriasis | PTSD | Rashes and food allergies |
Ringworm | Rosacea | Scabies |
Seasonal Affective Disorder | Sexual Health | Shingles |
Skin Abscess | Skin Allergies | Skin Conditions |
Skin Rash | Sleep problems | Social anxiety |
Sore Throat | Stoma Care | Stomach Pain |
Stomach Ulcers | Swimmer's Ear | Syphilis |
Tinnitus | Tonsillitis | Urinary tract infection |
Vitamin D | Warts | Women’s health |
Norovirus |
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